dino running

Hi, I'm Helen {

A web applications designer and software engineer:

I work on enterprise web applications during the day and, outside of that, creative pursuits where design and development intersect.

See website code; someday I will rebuild this website! //one day... Stop all animations Change mode

Things I've made

diversion bar mobile

Trip Organizer

Mobile-first web app (password locked) for group trips and expense logging. Written in Typescript using React, MongoDb for data storage, and serverless functions for free Netlify hosting.

smart shopping app

Smart Shopping List

A shopping list app that predicts user behavior, designed and built collaboratively. React, TypeScript, Firebase, Node.js, Jest for testing, and Figma for UI/UX design.

naginata notes

Naginata Notes

A full stack app that lets the user create editable notecards, with search and filter functionality. Node.js, Express, MongoDB, and EJS. Rebuilding with React.

diversion bar mobile

Art Viewer: The Art Institute of Chicago

An art viewer using the public Art Institue of Chicago API, easily modifiable for different museums and visual archives. Built for The Collab Lab.

jargon guide

Jargonauts Guide

A full stack app that serves as a satirical guide to business jargon. Node.js, Express, and MongoDB. Warning: DB is asleep.

idyll cafe

Idyll Cafe & Bakery

Responsive website with an order form. HTML, CSS, JavaScript.

business logo design

Seasons by Jennifer O'Shea

Logo design and visual identity consulting for a local doorscaping business.

food editorial art

Food Editorial

Selection of digital illustration for food and restaurant features.

See more
local cafe nyc

BizSpeak Generator

Digital marketing assets for a satirical web app for professional communications (Jargonauts v.1.0).

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event logo design

Ryuko Taikai 2022

Logo design for the first and largest intercollegiate kendo tournament in North America since the pandemic.


Website + web app development

Building an online presence or digital hub for your event or organization, or driving more engagement and awareness for businesses or causes.

  • Full stack web applications that are easy to maintain and use
  • Responsive static websites built with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript
  • Maintenance and support post-launch
  • Website consultation

Design + Illustration

Spreading your ideas, key messaging, and brand through unique, audience-first, accessible graphics and design. This can stand alone as well as wrap around web development projects.

  • Logo design
  • Visual direction
  • Illustrated vignettes or editorial

About me

Hi, I'm Helen. I started out working in a variety of industries - from the art and illustration world to global design and marketing agencies. In every case, I always found myself drawn to how good design can better connect people on common interests and create opportunities for collaboration.

Continuous learning helps stave off boredom. I believe in honing skills, homing in on underlying user needs in every design problem, and using the Oxford comma.


Find me in NYC (for most days of the year) or online below.


Got a project, opportunity, or a restaurant rec? Please get in touch via the form below, or drop me a note on LinkedIn or the thing Formerly Known as Twitter.